With both substance use disorder and alcohol use disorder, detoxing is always the first step in recovery. Once your detox is complete, you’ll need to move on to more in-depth and introspective forms addiction treatment. At CCR, we offer an expansive suite of addiction therapies for meeting a very diverse range of needs. We believe in taking a multi-pronged and whole-health approach to addiction treatment that promotes physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Although the disease of addiction can be largely attributed to changes within brain chemistry and brain functioning as the result of substance use, addiction is known to have many different underlying causes. Fortunately, we’ve got therapies and treatment modalities for every one of them. With access to in-house services such as our 12-step program and our cognitive behavioral therapy, our clients are able to learn more about themselves, establish new and healthier coping technique, and build strong, stable foundations for long-term success in recovery.
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