Even the very prospect of detoxing from alcohol can be downright terrifying, especially if you choose to do it on your own. Once your body has become chemically dependent upon alcohol, abstaining for any extended amount of time can make you feel as though all of your systems are failing. Surprisingly, in many instances, this isn’t far from the truth. The effects that alcohol use disorder have on the brain and body are severe. After months or even years of training your body to rely on alcohol, it can enter an intense state of distress without it. In fact, most people experience tremors, sweating, and nausea within just six to eight hours of their last drink. Worse still, these withdrawal symptoms can heighten and progress for several days. If they aren’t properly managed, they may even last several weeks. At Southern California Detox Center, we provide detox services for making alcohol withdrawal shorter, safer, and far easier to endure. With our help, you can successfully overcome this major hurdle in your recovery, and can finish your detox fully prepared for the next phase of addiction treatment.
Many people make the mistake of trying to detox on their own. Going “cold turkey” at home isn’t just unnecessarily difficult; it’s also incredibly dangerous. For heavy drinkers and those who’ve suffered from alcohol use disorder for long periods of time, withdrawal symptoms will invariably spiral out of control.
It’s not uncommon for people to confuse alcohol abuse with alcohol addiction. Although the two conditions can look very much alike, there’s one distinct difference between them. With alcohol abuse, heavy drinkers have the ability to consciously choose to stop drinking. Detoxing for these individuals won’t be comfortable, but it won’t cause their bodies to send out blaring distress signals. Sadly, those who’ve reached the stage of full-blown addiction no longer have this choice. After having developed a chemical reliance upon alcohol, it is no longer possible for a person to safely quit drinking at will.
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