Alcohol withdrawal can be devastating on the body. Other conditions, physical health concerns, mental health, and environmental factors can worsen and even lengthen the withdrawal process. The more severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms can include seizures, hallucinations, and even strokes.
Individuals who are ready to change their lives should contact California Centers for Recovery. Our medical detoxification and residential treatment programs offer multiple paths to sobriety. Our clinicians can support substance abuse and other dual-diagnosis disorders with traditional and alternative therapies.
Why does withdrawal happen?
Withdrawal happens when an individual does not have enough of a substance in their body for it to function due to an addiction. For alcoholics, this means that they do not have enough alcohol in their system and that their system is responding to the lack thereof.
For most alcoholics, this happens within about eight hours of their last drink, but could take days to show up. Additionally, while typically symptoms peak between 24-72 hours, they can last for weeks.
What are the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?
Individual symptoms of alcohol withdrawal may vary from person to person, length of addiction, and level of tolerance developed. More severe addiction also has a direct correlation to more severe withdrawal symptoms.
Individuals struggling with alcohol withdrawal often experience:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Jumpiness or shakiness
- Mood swings
- Nightmares
- Difficulty focusing
Other symptoms may include:
- Sweating
- Dilated pupils
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
- Rapid heart rate
A severe form of alcohol withdrawal called delirium tremens can cause:
- Agitation
- Fever
- Hallucinations
- Seizures
- Severe confusion
The variation in withdrawal symptoms is a large part of why every individual is recommended to undergo detox in a medically monitored center where they can receive medical treatment for the disorder as necessary.
How can a detox center help with withdrawal symptoms?
Detox centers help with withdrawal symptoms by providing the necessary support, structure, and safety for proper detoxification.
Detox centers provide a level of support to individuals going through withdrawal. The ASAM Clinical Practice Guideline indicates that individuals should be monitored for 36 hours, or more if they suffer from additional health and mental health concerns. Additionally, those at risk for increased complications during detoxification should be monitored more closely with vitals, and other necessary medical texts checked every 1-4 hours.
The next thing a detox center can offer you to help with withdrawal symptoms is structure. Individuals will have time to adjust and go through detoxification in a detox center. Still, they will be able to attend treatment and structured times to help them adjust to sobriety.
Finally, individuals who have the opportunity to attend a detox center will be able to go through withdrawal in a safe location. A detox center will have all necessary supportive medications, substance-free requirements, and staff available to support, motivate, and encourage through every step of the process.
As a bonus, some detoxification centers may even offer Medically-Assisted Treatment. MAT is a medication-based rehab program that allows physicians and medical professionals to prescribe medication that will help lessen symptoms associated with withdrawal and detox. With alcohol addiction, individuals are given medication that helps curb cravings and reacts with alcohol, leaving the client feeling ill if they drink while using the medication.
Finding a Detox Program in Southern California
Detox programs in Southern California are some of the best in the country. California Centers for Recovery offer comprehensive detoxification and inpatient rehabilitation programs.
CCR offers medical detoxification as part of our complete rehabilitation program. Through this process, our clients can avoid some of the more severe symptoms of withdrawal and recover quicker and healthier than those who go through withdrawal without support. Our alcohol withdrawal program specifically helps clients’ bodies detox alcohol from the system, adapt functioning, and repair the damage caused.
Following detoxification, we offer residential alcohol rehabilitation. With more than eight different approaches to work with, our clients can achieve holistic wellness through our traditional and alternative therapy options.
Contact us any time. Our addiction counselors are available to support you in your time of need.